Actions from North Area Panel 10 September 2024




Subject / Action


Action Update including what is Completed (C) or Outstanding (O)?

C / O

Action Date

CE Admin>>



Designated officer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>




(Dec 23) Consideration of CCTV cameras deployment on Bates Estate in response to fly tipping/anti-social behavior.

Residents to report frequent fly tipping to

For noteing only. No action till Dec / Jan  


McGlaughlin (CM)

(10/09/24) Residents confirmed this is ongoing, no action taken. CM confirmed they had visited the area implementation planned for Dec/Jan.



Dec / Jan 2025


(Dec 23) (Coldean Youth Club outstanding works delayed by lack of direct contact)


(10.9.24) GG confirmed contact with Club, discussions ongoing re. finances for heating which are earmarked and the general operation of the community space.


Please provide progress or date for completion?


Geof Gage (GG)

The current licensee is considering not proceeding. We will be working with Community Engagement when a new occupier is found.


Oct 24



Ian Beck noted residents worked with Cllr Fowler on the issue of blocked drains; 24 / 26 notable blockages cleared. IB noted blockage at Davey Drive / Upper Hollingdean Rd not resolved, contributing to flooding in Lewes Rd. IB confirmed that this had been reported to highways with no adequate response. Justine Harris confirmed they would follow this up with officers.


Justine H

Chloe Mclaughlin has followed this up with Highways and will provide a verbal update at the next meeting.


Oct 24



Two specific trees noted as particularly dangerous, behind Blocks’ 1-6 Southmont endangering power lines and Tavistock Down. Officers confirmed that they would follow this up with the arboriculture team.

Chloe M

This has been passed over to our Housing Tree Officer to inspect and resolve. Chloe will provide a verbal update at the next Area Panel meeting.    


Oct 24


Donna James raised a query regarding leaseholder payment in relation to windows and requested further information.

Geof Gage noted that the consultation had potentially not taken place yet and confirmed they would follow up with further information.


The section 20 consultation with leaseholders is in hand. Any leaseholder who may have questions or queries regarding this including if they wish to discuss payment options can meet with our leasehold liaison officer Ope Akinosi, any meeting is on a one-to-one basis and is of course confidential


Oct 24


Residents, primarily of Bates Estate, detailed experience in external contractors leaving residents gardens damaged after they had invested time and money. GR to follow up. specific location given, Selsfield Drive, Hawkridge

Grant R (GR)

This relates to two issues, the damage to a rose bush and materials being left in a communal gardens. We are sorry this happened, the contractors have now been in contact with residents to apologise and resolve both issues.


Oct 24


Donna James request: Geof Gage to follow up circulation of Resident Engagement High Rise strategy, to Resident’s Associations.

He also noted that the paper shared in agenda pack was a draft and not the final document.


We have included the strategy in the pack for the next AP and will will bring along further copies to the meetings to distribute.


Oct 24


Regarding window on roof of Mimosa Court, used by the residents to check for blockages, being bricked up when the roof was replaced. Jim Hornsby requested action on confirmation, GR confirmed that this could take place and update progress at next North Area Panel.


A verbal update will be given at Area Panel


Oct 24


Re outstanding EDB bid 2021 Mimosa Court. If funding could be secured, residents could undertake works themselves.

GR confirmed that social value element of contract still stands, and will discuss with KM re contribution from authority to support residents undertaking work themselves


The new contractors have not started work yet, any updates will be provided verbally at Area Panel


Oct 24


Re anti-social behavior and crime across the North Area. Residents noted that Sussex Police were not providing an adequate response and requested feedback on the matter and how it was being progressed by BHCC.


This has been raised as a Residents Question so a full answer will be provided there.


Oct 24


Lack of engagement from PCSO’s assigned in North Area with Tenants/Residents Associations.

Residents noted a lack of communication since the previous PCSO for the area was reassigned, they noted the replacement has not attended resident meetings.

Officers confirmed to follow up with the neighbourhood Sergeant.



I have requested the north area policing sergeants contact Clare Nicholes for details of the Tenants/Residents Association meetings and invites.


Oct 24